I'm the story you never told. And I'm telling your story now. I'm telling the secrets you want to hide but can't keep hidden. Listen, as the fire crackles and the cat curls up on your lap. Listen, as your hair stands at uncanny reflections. Listen to your heart, screaming. listen, and dream.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I used to glare
At people who said
"People who commit suicide are cowards"
I used to hate them very much

Because you see
I was once
One of those 'cowards'
And sometimes still am

I could never understand
How can someone
Stare at Death in his face
And still be a 'coward'

I’ve seen so many others
Cowering under him
So for us 'cowards'
How are we considered 'cowards'?

Until someone told me
"Dying is easy. Anyone could do it.
Living is a challenge. Only some complete it."
But I hated that person too

But those words
Kept ringing in my head
Echoing, going round
Refusing to stop

And I begin to notice
How death was really
The easy way out
It took away everything

And I begin to realize
How difficult living is
How battle-worn and scarred
I was becoming each day

And I finally understood
Why only some are
Able to complete
This trial 'living'

But I still
Do hate those who call
Suicides 'cowards'
Because not everyone can look in Death's face

I prefer another term
'Lost hope'
Because that's what they (and sometimes I)
Truly are

Be someone's candlelight, will you?