I used to glare
At people who said
"People who commit suicide are cowards"
I used to hate them very much
Because you see
I was once
One of those 'cowards'
And sometimes still am
I could never understand
How can someone
Stare at Death in his face
And still be a 'coward'
I’ve seen so many others
Cowering under him
So for us 'cowards'
How are we considered 'cowards'?
Until someone told me
"Dying is easy. Anyone could do it.
Living is a challenge. Only some complete it."
But I hated that person too
But those words
Kept ringing in my head
Echoing, going round
Refusing to stop
And I begin to notice
How death was really
The easy way out
It took away everything
And I begin to realize
How difficult living is
How battle-worn and scarred
I was becoming each day
And I finally understood
Why only some are
Able to complete
This trial 'living'
But I still
Do hate those who call
Suicides 'cowards'
Because not everyone can look in Death's face
I prefer another term
'Lost hope'
Because that's what they (and sometimes I)
Truly are
Be someone's candlelight, will you?